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Wine on 49

Second Sundays

Second Sundays january 14th Blind Tasting Challenge
Join us for our first 2024 Second Sunday event on January 14th. 

This month, all of the Wine on 49 members will be offering a blind wine tasting challenge. We'll provide you with special tasting sheets that include the descriptions of the wines you'll be tasting. You'll get to test your wine tasting skills to determine which wines are which (with some helpful hints from the tasting room staff). The exact format may vary from tasting room to tasting room, but the challenge is the same. 

Get all of the wines correct and you'll be entered into a raffle to win a wine gift pack consisting of a bottle of wine from each of the member tasting rooms. Visit multiple tasting rooms to earn additional entries into the raffle. 

#suttercreek #wineon49 

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